Pool-Newsletter (Community)

New feature for players

An Article by myl_supporter

We have created a new feature:

An automatic newsletter service for the player pools in PBEM and LIVE multiplayer. When you want use this feature, contact our admins.

In the PBEM pool, players can receive a weekly report about all open PBEM matches, i.e. the ones which have not been started yet. In the Live-Multiplayer pool, players can enter their playtimes once a week.

Then, the match leader can create events and invite players accordingly (via Steam, private messaging, forums, or chat). To join a pool fast and easily, just use "I would like to join the pool".

Additionally, while playing in the Live-Multiplayer pool, every player has to enter his playtimes once a week using the "Your Continuation" field.

To leave a pool, simply choose "I would like to leave the pool". This will also opt out from emails and subscriptions. We are grateful for your feedback.

Your the-battlefield.com Team

Created on: 11.01.2016 at 17:17:28

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