G4L.EU invites all AOW Planetfall (Community)

Join our page and help us build a great community. We look forward to seeing you.

Ein Artikel von Mark

We are looking for players interested in competition against each other, to learn together and to play dedicated games. It is more fun when everyone tries their best and don't leave a game without a word!

Read our Rules

Do you want to be part of our competitive community and accept our rules?

Then create an account on following page  (takes 1 minute, it's free, and there are no further obligations)
After you sign up a dot in your top-navigation should turn green.

My Account

You can set your preferred playing time in My-Account -> My Playtime
Discover more options like changing Avatar, adding Friends, joining a Team (Clan) under MyAccount in Top Navigation Bar. If you have questions, just join our Chat

Are you looking for a match?
Go to Games -> Open Games to see if someone is looking for Players

Do you want to create a match?
Go to Games-> Create Game

Enter how many players should join and share links to where its hosted and advertised! *There should be an option to manually type it there if possible, e.g. sometimes players decide to make a game for 8 but after seeing an interest  they increase the number or even change a map.

Then invite the players to join or write a message in the pool to everyone! There are at least two pools (later more)! Tournaments, PBEM and Live Multiplayers. Use the direct link to annouce it on players forums!

If you want to progress faster you can also use our scheduler so that everyone knows when you have time to play and other players can post their own preferred playtime.

Report your Game, Feeds for the meta statistics

If you have played a ranked game and your players do not mind, you can report them either through the created game or with a report function ( Games -> report a finished game )

Each player can then edit and delete both the game and report! Please enter all data so that we can feed the meta statistics with it.
Rank Players and mark quitter box when need
Please rank players accordingly after the report. When a Players has quit without a permission, make a mark in the Report. You can edit it later too.

All my Games and Reports
In the top navigation you will find all your ongoing matches and all your reports. Go to the Comment Icon and follow the links.
Visit the site regularly to keep up to date on news, upcoming games, participate in surveys and upcoming tournaments.
If you find bugs or something that is too inconvenient, please report it. The site is free as it is ad-free and depends on you.

Regards, Your g4l Team

Erstellt am: 25. 07. 2019 um 20:55:26

Links zum Thema

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