Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
119 Goh12734333 %(1 | 3)WLL12
92 Host733160 %(3 | 5)332
109 Deckdisz700133 %(1 | 3)312
109 Archer0170020 %LL02
123 Saunatonttu9741384 %(11 | 13)WWWWL112
109 NobCob70020 %LL02
109 natnat70020 %LL02
126 cwolfy869277 %(7 | 9)3W72
109 Paraquatz70020 %LL02
109 LAwAngel70010 %L02
109 Demonic Spoon70010 %L02
109 Bethrezen70020 %LL02
131 Rippjack755350 %(2 | 4)LLW22
132 sswdidi755450 %(2 | 4)WWLL22
109 batbl470020 %LL02
150 Fenfer68010 %L02
135 Piao725333 %(1 | 3)LWL12
109 BBB70020 %LL02
109 hatifnat70020 %LL02
138 Sjow841771 %(5 | 7)WWWWW52

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