Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
119 ehall208654100 %(6 | 6)WWWW60
120 EarL18938163739 %(36 | 91)LWLLL3655
121 DrLight9157144 %(42 | 95)LWWLW4253
109 Drenn700114 %(1 | 7)716
123 DreadReapr97611644 %(75 | 170)WLLLL7595
124 DiaEmperador763333 %(3 | 9)WLL36
109 Demonic Spoon70010 %L02
109 Deckdisz700133 %(1 | 3)312
109 darkapothem70050 %LLLLL09
109 Darthi70020 %LL03
129DarkRider10561579 %(23 | 29)WLWWL236
109 DacrioS70090 %LLLLL012
131 cwolfy869277 %(7 | 9)3W72
150 Cthulhu2814680128 %(2 | 7)625
158 Counterbore66020 %LL06
134 chiveicrook72559 %(1 | 11)LLWLL110
135 cbower10132775 %(51 | 68)WW2255117
136 Cat and Cat and Pat7511100 %(2 | 2)W20
137 Castaneda8571331 %(11 | 35)L4LLW1124
150 Bracasse68010 %L04

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