Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
81 jabst7722100 %(2 | 2)WW20
94 Ix32970010 %L01
94 Imperium70030 %LLL03
84 IIaanor8281136 %(4 | 11)WWLLW47
94 hunterking55570020 %LL02
86 Hiliadan10042661 %(16 | 26)WWWLW1610
87 Henrysix9301163 %(7 | 11)WWLLL74
88 HellBrick789560 %(3 | 5)WWLWL32
94 hatifnat70020 %LL02
94 Gutzzu70020 %LL02
91 Griffith810944 %(4 | 9)LWLLW45
92 Goh12740250 %(1 | 2)WL11
93 gladis8201145 %(5 | 11)WLWLL56
94 Gilafron70060 %LLLLL06
95 Gashie7311100 %(1 | 1)W10
96 gabthegab11523491 %(31 | 34)WWWLW313
94 Forkrul70020 %LL02
98 Forever Random728425 %(1 | 4)WLLL13
99 Fluksen786933 %(3 | 9)LLWLL36
100 Fistandantilus783742 %(3 | 7)WWLLL34

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