Playtime Tool (Community)

Find easy a date!

An Article by myl_supporter

Playtime Tool

You have probably gone through this before: You gather for a match, but suddenly one of the players has to quit prematurely. Everybody agrees
on a date to resume the match, but it never happens. Sometimes you even see this in the course of a tournament, e.g. if
the opposing parties were chosen by player skill or randomly instead of the timeframe when every player could start playing best.

We have created a tool for our users which helps finding a date and time for their matches.

Every player can set his or her timezone and desired timeframe to play. This is done via the 'My Account' - top bar.
Based on this data, the hour before and after midnight (00:00 A.M. GMT) when everybody could be ready will be calculated.

Since this is a very general option, we now offer a more detailed setting for this:
You can now set the timeframe for every multiplayer game for when a player can join the match (up to two per day).

Every player joining a match kann choose his or her timeframe as well.
After this, our tool creates a visible timeline.

By checking the timeline, every player can see when it is possible to gather with the others.

Once a common timeframe has been identified for all players, this timeframe can be published and offered to everybody.

For games which are resumed (meaning the match already started), a new start date can be set. Open matches can be ended this way.

We are happy to be able to offer this feature to you.

Feel free to contact us!

Created on: 01.10.2015 at 22:04:14

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