New Chatroom (Community)

for Live Multiplayer

Au Articel par myl_supporter

New Feature: Live Multiplayer Chat

In cooperation with the AOW3 gaming community (kudos to Hiliadan!), our
team has been working hard to create a new way of communication for you:

Live Multiplayer Chat.

This chat can be used in all my-league.com and the-battlefield.com
leagues, as well as tournaments. It replaces our old chat solution,
while keeping all of its upsides.
Contrary to the lobby chat, you will not need any additional plugins and
there is no need to open firewall ports anymore.
Compared to the WhoIsOnline chat, the rather annoying page refresh is
gone, since we now have a "realtime" chat in place, which is based on Ajax.

You can start private chats with other players (on their profile page).
Your chat partner will receive a sound and notice window, making it much
easier to gather for matches.

If you would like to discuss our new chat feature or have any other
questions concerning this topic, you can do so in our support forums:
==> http://www.the-battlefield.com/aow/index.php?page=topicview&forumid=2

Alternatively just go to "My League" and click "Support" in the top bar.

We are awaiting your feedback eagerly. Thank you

Créer une: 17.04.2016 à 18:58:00

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