Team Führer Zytozid

Name/Kürzel: ITT | Indies took my Throne

Letztmalig angemeldet am: 2022-11-25 20:57:16

Clan Webseite https://


New to Age of Wonders and bad in the game? Not new to Age of Wonders but still bad in the game? Welcome! We\'re a bunch of fun guys who try to improve and teach (each) others. We teach newcomers... because it is our target to prevent independent roaming units to take your Throne City (or any of your cities, really) as you normally should not aspire losing them. Of course, we will also teach about every other mechanic in the game. If everything works out well, one day maybe even players like gabthehag or hilbillydian will fear us (although it is more likely that Donald Trump marries an African-Mexican man, spending the rest of his life happily in Veracruz working as a Muezzin). Join the \"Indies took my Throne\" (ITT)!

Was das Team spielt:
Games with official rules to improve our skills and get used to them. But girls, they wanna have fun. So, we\'re also up for any other game that looks great. We are happy with any games that help us improve, drink beer, or just have a good time. And if you do not agree with this, then: Quit playing games (with my... team!)

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