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Aperçu PBEM Player Pool | PBEM | (Des places sont encore libres)

Ordre du tour recommandée en fonction des temps de jeu:

novograd 2:00-14:00 | ezysquire 4:00-6:00 | gabthegab 5:00-22:00 | Fistandantilus 8:00-4:00 | Warlord Keldon 7:00-23:00 | Sin Arcain 8:00-18:00 | Bracasse 8:00-18:00 | llldarkhorselll 9:00-13:00 | chiveicrook 10:00-23:00 | mauvebutterfly 10:00-14:00 | kernard 12:00-16:00 | Kwibus 12:00-0:00 | Jean_de_Metz 12:00-19:00 | rrrrookie 13:00-14:00 | Frozentape 12:00-23:00 | Skuns453Lirik902 13:00-17:00 | keika 16:00-19:00 | Saunatonttu 16:00-23:00 | Jonny Thunder 15:00-19:00 | ExNihil 16:00-20:00 | shoukim 18:00-23:00 | MARKYMARK 17:00-23:00 | Lykus 17:00-21:00 | Tarskon 17:00-22:00 | Badok 17:00-23:00 | personian 17:00-6:00 | sulatik 17:00-21:00 | Ezekiel 18:00-23:00 | EverydayJoe 17:00-21:00 | Hannibal2000 18:00-22:00 | Techno 18:00-22:00 | Moridin 18:00-22:00 | Zytozid 18:00-23:00 | THE RANGER 18:00-2:00 | AlXStormrage 18:00-22:00 | xlnt 18:00-22:00 | petracke 18:00-22:00 | belamoor 18:00-22:00 | Thorgal 18:00-22:00 | schlii 19:00-23:00 | Blueoceanbg 19:00-23:00 | Fanjo 19:00-23:00 | BLACKCAT 19:00-23:00 | Albaron 19:00-23:00 | Archer01 19:00-23:00 | StarFish 19:00-22:00 | Darthi 19:00-23:00 | Drenn 19:00-23:00 | rickyroo222 19:00-6:00 | Deckdisz 19:00-23:00 | EXECNOIR 19:00-23:00 | Zak0r 19:00-23:00 | phirpo 19:00-23:00 | Blechhower 19:00-23:00 | marcuspers 19:00-21:00 | Kiwipels 19:00-23:00 | Yari 19:00-23:00 | Akinos 19:00-23:00 | qugu 19:00-23:00 | SpiritSeeker 19:00-23:00 | jellolag 19:00-23:00 | Aristokrates 20:00-0:00 | Ariga 19:00-23:00 | Nihengwrn 19:00-23:00 | Blad_ua 19:00-23:00 | Kruel 20:00-2:00 | Vince777 20:00-0:00 | masterboja 20:00-0:00 | jawich 20:00-0:00 | Haxx 20:00-0:00 | Cthulhu2814 20:00-0:00 | Inbredchimera 20:00-0:00 | raphaell 20:00-23:00 | Sbiht 21:00-0:00 | natnat 20:00-23:00 | Jessic 20:00-0:00 | RedChameleon 20:00-0:00 | Larks 21:00-23:00 | ehall20 21:00-3:00 | Krec 21:00-8:00 | Gilafron 22:00-3:00 | Hiliadan 22:00-23:00 | cbower 23:00-4:00 | Starfleck 0:00-2:00 | Olop 0:00-6:00 | Henrysix 0:00-14:00 | JustaKing 1:00-5:00 | InHouseHeron 1:00-5:00 | Cat and Cat and Pat 1:00-5:00 | DrLight 1:00-5:00 | walterbarrett 1:00-5:00 | Demonic Spoon 2:00-6:00 | Fenfer 2:00-6:00 | cwolfy 2:00-6:00 | Shakey 2:00-6:00 | Elysian 3:00-6:00 | DrBigtime 3:00-7:00 | Sikeyboi 3:00-7:00 | AnarchCassius 4:00-8:00 | Loki44 5:00-8:00 | Rippjack 14:00-18:00 | Chrejo 2:00-6:00 | goatassin 9:00-8:00 | xoric713 20:00-0:00 | Cocos 19:00-23:00 | Aim 9:00-21:00

Je voudrais


Responsable de la partie: myl_supporter | Sont entrés pour le moment: 106 | illimité

You like to play PBEM? You want to get informed when a new PBEM game or tournament start? Then join this pool: you will receive a weekly newsletter summarizing new games. You can also comment in this pool to find new trusted PBEM players and announce new games.

Publié le Sun, 02 Jul 2017 19:12:58 +0200

Last day to vote in the poll: How best to balance all heroes and their abilities and also make them more interesting?

One game opened by Marcus, as he advertized earlier today: 1v1 Tournament settings
chiveicrook is also starting a series of duels with tournament settings, he'll probably open new ones on the site later as 1 already filled.

The videos of last week's live chat even are available on YouTube:
1st part:
– the leader creation
– the Shadow Realm layer
– the Shadow Elf racial units
– the (living) Archon units
– other great content from Decodence

2nd part:
– 3 new sites: Raven’s Home, Sword of the Ashen Rose, Flame of Grauth
– the Archon units in tactical battle
– the Dark Elf Dwelling

3rd part:
– The Arena Battle Mode, a new mode to play AoW3, focusing on tactical battles
– The 4 mods of the Shadow Realm Community Expansion (or even more)
– Advanced strategies and tactics video: Marcuspers and Hiliadan’s channels, the advanced tutorial playlist
– The Wiki and the excellent guides it contains about the campaigns and tactics and strategies
– Best mods for AoW3

DISCLAIMER: at the time of the videos, the expansion is still in very early stage and not even in alpha stage. Many content will change and be improved.

The videos of the new mode for AoW3 (in addition to Single Player RMG, Single Player Campaign, PBEM, live MP), the Arena Battle mode, which is purely focused on player vs player tactical combat (so no empire building and strategic map management), will be released shortly. A non-edited version is already available on Marcus' YouTube channel.

Publié le Sun, 02 Jul 2017 12:59:23 +0200

Game hosted!

Tournament practice game, dont mind keeping the game unreported to avoid disclosing information for round 4 of the tournament, but can also be reported but after turn 4 of tournament is started. 

Publié le Sat, 24 Jun 2017 15:10:02 +0200

There is currently a live PvP battle being streamed and commented: />
It's AbedNego vs Nemesis Zero, commented by Marcuspers.

In about 30min, there should be a final live stream from myself about the Shadow Realm and other very good content from the AoW3 community: />
Come watch!!
Also join on the chat: https://www.the-battlefield.c...

Publié le Sun, 18 Jun 2017 18:14:25 +0200

The date for the big AoW3 event about the Shadow Realm Community Expansion has been chosen, it will be Saturday 24 June, from 13:00 to 16:00 Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, etc. time (GMT+2 due to summer time) on the chat of The Battlefield (

Please check this video teaser of the event for some preview of what we will see during the event + there is a video explanation on how to join the chat:

The event will involve:
– a live chat with the team of volunteers developing the Shadow Realm expansion (Gloweye, Draxynic, Dr_K, Bob, lordoflinks, Bagas, Hiliadan, HousePet + vfxrob, Charlatan)
– live stream of gameplay with Q&A to showcase the current status of the expansion
– PvP tactical battles on the Arena map (players battling each other include Nemesis Zero and Marcuspers will comment live)
– release of PvE training videos against high level sites, links to existing videos, guides, etc.

To show how many people are interested, please fill the following Doodle: if you are interested and think you’ll be able to join.
You can also check what time it will be in your timezone in the Doodle link.

Publié le Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:36:34 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
GrumpyKing quitted!

Publié le Tue, 13 Jun 2017 19:25:19 +0200

All games have been filled! Probably time to open some new ones!

Only 11 people voted in the poll How best to balance all heroes and their abilities and also make them more interesting? Please vote, including if you think heroes are fine, there is an option for that in the poll! Multiple answers possible!

A big event to present the Shadow Realm community expansion, promote all the good content done by the community for AoW3 (mods, maps, videos, guides) and provide some exciting live stream of tactical battle is planned on the Battlefield's chat soon. In order to choose the date (21, 24 or 25 June) and show how many people are interested, please fill the following Doodle:
There are only 3 options available and I'll then choose the date and time in about 72 hours or less.

Publié le Sat, 03 Jun 2017 17:19:40 +0200

A new poll has been launched to get a better understanding of what the community wants to "Make all heroes and their abilities more interesting (e.g. boost Dreadnought’s late game abilities)". That option indeed came on top in the previous poll What direction should the Balance Mod take in the coming months?, as you can see in the picture below. We have been working on it in the past few weeks and several proposals were made for v1.22 but there was no clear consensus on most of them so now, we're exploring different options and your opinion will be very useful to shape v1.23 and future versions of the balance mod.
How best to balance all heroes and their abilities and also make them more interesting? (multiple answers possible)

I opened a new game: Academy game for non-Veterans
We need 4 more non-Veteran players who want to learn strategies and tactics for AoW3 PBEM. We already have 2 "trainees" and DreadReapr and me as "trainers". The game should start around mid-June.

Also, for those interested, here is a video of the clearing of a Lost City on turn 8 in my latest Duel Tournament game vs DarkRider:<... />
As always, welcome everyone to open more games: link to create a new game.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jun 2017 22:39:52 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
Saunatonttu joined !!

Publié le Mon, 29 May 2017 02:13:48 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
Skrolk quitted!

Publié le Wed, 17 May 2017 05:26:42 +0200

2 games still open:
- FFA 4 Beginners No MC: 2 slots available, Imperium and chiveicrook already there. To limit mind-control early snowballing, the game restricts class to Warlord, Sorcerer, Dreadnought. I think the game is open to all non-Veteran players, time to join!
- Favoured Mods 3v3 1.8: this game hosted by SeeR is still looking for 2 players

Please note that the beta branch of the balance mod should be updated in about 2 weeks with v1.22 (if Zaskow has time to mod the changes). v1.22 should then be released to the main branch in about 60 days.

By the way, I encourage all hosts to consider using the Hero Development Mod in their new games as it brings new very interesting options for hero development and its model of 3 sub-classes for each of the main class is being considered for the balance mod as it could solve the issue of hero becoming too strong too fast, and could make hero progression interesting and balanced even if the max hero level is 20. The mod is here:

Publié le Fri, 12 May 2017 23:30:04 +0200

Since the Beginners FFA is going its own sweet rythm now (and it is ok for me), I have opened a new similar game with a twist : no Mind Control !

Find all the details here : FFA 4 Beginners No MC

3 slots are available for the interested players.

Publié le Wed, 10 May 2017 19:26:09 +0200

@all: one game still open and needing 2 players:
Favoured Mods 3v3 1.8 hosted by SeeR with 11 mods to boost the AoW3 experience

@Skuns: I'm not sure we understand the poll the same way? The poll is about the difficulties you have when you PLAY Necromancer, not the advantages of Necro over other classes. If I understand correctly what you say, you are saying that Necro can Plunder or Hasty Plunder living cities but living classes can only Raze, and not Plunder or Hasty Plunder undead cities, right? Well, that's not a difficulty you face when you play Necro.
Also, the options for the poll were determined after 2 weeks of discussion open to everyone on the Steam forum: and I believe I linked this discussion either on the Player Pools or on the chat. So if any option is missing, that's because nobody thought about it during the discussion on the Steam forum.
I agree that it is a disadvantage for living class fighting Necro not to be able to Plunder. I suggest you post it on the discussion about the balance mod on the forum so that we don't forget about it: />
@AlX: thanks for reporting the issue with Builders and fortress on water, Zaskow fixed it quickly after your report.

Publié le Tue, 09 May 2017 16:51:02 +0200

To Hiliadan
I'm interesting why in this poll there is no a propose like that: "Plundering of the undead cities gives some gold\mana in addition to -150 morale"?
I understand that it concerns more about cities economy when you're playing against Necro. But also it maybe the session like 1vs1vs1 where 2 of 3 players are Necro. And they can plunder alive cities with gold\mana bonus. But 3-rd player can plunder undead cities without such bonus.
I agree that in the sessions like 1vs1 tourney ones it may be not much important. But already in 2vs2 sessions it can influence on the result

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

I was impatient, and joined too many games considering the time frame of those, other games, and when new games are to be started (and the 10 game limit...).

I hosted a duel challenge using hero development plus the balance mod. This should be doable within a month.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Hey guys, 

Not sure if this was reported in other threads:

- the patch 1.8 "Poseidon" doesn't seem to integrate well with the Balance Mod (or should I say vice-versa).
the one issue I spotted right away - that the embarked settler doesn't get the "Build water Fortress" ability. When disabling balance mod and running test game - ability does show up.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Thanks Imperium for opening that game for beginners. It filled up very quickly and I think there are many more non-Veteran players who would like to join new games, so please @all: open more! <smiletext0> You can create a new game through the top menu "Game" then "Create game".

There are currently 3 open games:
- 4vs4 The Sinner are looking for opponents: the team Sin is looking for 4 opponents. Gilafron and rickyroo already joined so it seems they need 2 more players.
- 3vs3 large no quitters 1.21 BF: rickyroo hosted a game open to everyone from the Battlefield. It uses standard tournament settings except that it's a Large map, Land (instead of Continent), 3 heroes at level 15 max (instead of 2 at lvl 13 or 20). I think the spirit is probably that 6 players join and then teams are set up, as balanced as possible. So no need to have a team to join (correct me rickyroo if I'm wrong).
- Favoured Mods 3v3 1.8 BETAxBETA: SeeR hosted a "fancy game" as he calls them. <smiletext0> The game will be played with the new 1.8 from Triumph, which allow to build Fort on water and add 1 new resource on water, as well as a few mods that brings fresh air to our favourite game. Same as the game of rickyroo: join and then teams will be set up based on the respective strenght of participants.

By the way, we have few teams that have 4 players, or even 3 players. So don't hesitate to contact other players you like to play with to create new team or join their team! Here is the situation of teams as I know them:
- The Sinners has 4 players
- A Song of Blight and Ice has 3 players (cbower left) and is playing a 4vs4 with Jean de Metz
- King Serpents has 4 players
- Old-bf has 2 active players
- Zia has 2 players
- Team of Bears has 2 players
- Coup de Grâce has 2 players
- rrrrookie & Jonny Thunder also regularly plays as a team (though not officially registered)
- Hawks has many players but is not like other teams

I have been uploading the videos of the turns from rickyroo and I's game vs rrrrookie and Jonny Thunder in round 3 of the PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament (still many turns to upload, it takes some time). You can check the playlist of the game on YouTube. For those interested to see the rush of rrrrookie on turn 19 and how we responded to it, check out the turns 19 to 23 (follow the link to turn 19).
You can see our class/race and specs in the picture below:

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

@Elysian : Excellent !

One more for a beginner's free for all ?

Game page is created : FFA for Beginners

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

@Imperium I'm interested! I'll join in when the game is is up..<smiletext0>

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Anyone interested for a beginner's FFA ? With the PBEM mod, and for 3 players maximum to get a good rythm of play, novice players wanted and preferred : the objective is to allow strategic development on all sides, not to crush (or be crushed) at turn 15 by a rush attack.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100
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Information PBEM Player Pool
Mr. Hawk quitted!

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