Umfrage - Ergebnisse

Die Umfrage wurde gestartet am: 2017-04-05 18:27:20
Die Umfrage wird enden am: 2017-05-06

What are your difficulties when playing Necromancer?

Necromancer is one of the strongest class. Nerfing it for balance reason can make it too difficult for average players. This poll aims at better understanding everyone's difficulties with it.
No issue, Necromancer is very strong!
80% No issue, Necromancer is very strong!
16 (80%)
Lack of healing for Undeads
5% Lack of healing for Undeads
1 (5%)
Lack of healing for heroes who became Undead after Harbingers of Death is researched (Arch Lich)
5% Lack of healing for heroes who became Undead after Harbingers of Death is researched (Arch Lich)
1 (5%)
Lack of economic (gold, mana, research, production) bonus because of the lack of morale for cities, translating in a lack of economic competitiveness, especially in late game
20% Lack of economic (gold, mana, research, production) bonus because of the lack of morale for cities, translating in a lack of economic competitiveness, especially in late game
4 (20%)
Higher than usual losses against certain sites because of Fire and Spirit weaknesses
0% Higher than usual losses against certain sites because of Fire and Spirit weaknesses
0 (0%)
Higher (physical) damage taken by Ghouls due to their lower defense
5% Higher (physical) damage taken by Ghouls due to their lower defense
1 (5%)
Low population growth because of the way Undead city works
5% Low population growth because of the way Undead city works
1 (5%)
Another difficulty not listed here (and I'll explain here:
0% Another difficulty not listed here (and I'll explain here:
0 (0%)