TOTAL Players have the possibility to rate your Skills and post a comment about you. Here you will find all Ratings from other Players about you ! Dont forget to rate your Opponents also !


Excellent player 100%
100% Excellent player
Fair player 0%
0% Fair player
Regular player 0%
0% Regular player
Dont play this player 0%
0% Dont play this player
Bad player 0%
0% Bad player
Total participants: 2

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Excellent Player! 50%
50% Excellent Player!
Strong Player! 0%
0% Strong Player!
Good Player! 0%
0% Good Player!
Average Player! 50%
50% Average Player!
Weak Player / Newbee! 0%
0% Weak Player / Newbee!
Total participants: 2

More Details

KTBA voted on 2022-05-18
Fairness: 1 - Excellent Player

Skill: 4 - Average Player!


Very fair player, really exemplar in this category.

About the skill. In my opinion, after playing some games with You, the most critical aspect of the Dominions You should train now is expanding faster. It is critical for stronger later game.

The nice target minimum is 12 provinces in turn 12 for crowdy games or 24 for games with more free space.

Always consider strong and weak sides of your faction. For example:

1.  (regular units) Do I have strong regular units for expansion? 

2. (good bless) Should I have strong bless and do I have good units to put the bless on? How would I bless them (with prophet? Or maybe do I have good priests too?).

3. (awaken SC pretender) Maybe should I speed up expansion with my pretender. Can I use him on the first turn (blind attack) or should I use him more carefully

4. (Mercenaries) Should I use mercenaries. How much money I can pump into them to guarantee them for myself.

5. (Assasins) Do I have natural assasins? - When all the leaders are dead, the troops automatically retreat. You can kill all the leaders in the province with assasins and take it with even a scout. But lookout for  oportunistic enemies ;) I especially like to kill leaders with assasins in provinces with special troops, where are a lot of fragile mages ;)

And you should always consider enemies in the province on which you are attacking, especially: 

1. Barbarians (Monstrous in melee, always try to bring a lot of archers)

2. Heavy Cavarly (Strong in first thrust - with a big number they can take down a SC, try to bring some chaff (cheap stuff like militia) and take the charge on them).

3. Specials (provinces with non-standard troops, for example thrones).

There is a lot more of little nuances, but I hope this will be helpful for the start :)

GL in future games :)

Blackbarney voted on 2022-05-18
Fairness: 1 - Excellent Player

Skill: 1 - Excellent Player!



Rating Fairness

1. Excellent Player!
Very fair Player, very good behavior, can lost games with a smile. Very honorful.
2. Fair Player!
Fair Player, nice and always trustful!
3. Average Player!
Nothing to say negative but too not positive, just playing....
4. Not play this player.
Sometimes unfriendly, provoking but when no alternative, maybe
5. Bad Player, ignore !
Ignore this player, makes problems and is not play with this player, take an AI

Rating Skillness

1.Excellent Player
Player knows all tricks and tactics ! With his long time experience in thegame this player is very hard to beat and very skilled. The player knows the game like thedevelopers !
2.Strong Player
Experienced Player which know most of the tricks and tactics, stronggameplay !
3.Good Player
Gameplay skill is better than a regular player and the player even knowssome tricks and a few tactics.
4.Average Player
To become a better player the gameplay needs to be improved. More tacticsand tricks have to be learned.
5.Weak Player / Newbie
This player is new to the community. Gameplay and knowledge of tactics andtricks is very limited. All parts must be improved to become a betterplayer.