Last seen:
Just a moment ago
No statement
Player's team:
Did not join any team
First match: 2010-02-19
Last match: 2022-12-15
Statistics for league Civilization 6:
League active since (- until): 2018-09-15 - 2024-04-27
Matches: 20
Wins: 1 Losses: 13 Draws (no winner): 6
First match: 2018-09-15
Last match: 2024-04-27
Opponents defeated: 14
Losses against opponents: 37
Player lost against CRoyX76 (random ) | 2
Player lost against Genesis (Rome-Trajan ) | 7
Player lost against Genesis (Japan-Hojo Tokimune ) | 7
Player lost against Nighty (random ) | 2
Player lost against Simflaive (Hungarian-Matthias Corvinus ) | 2
Player lost against Lanzelot (random ) | 2
Player lost against ARISTOBULUS (random ) | 2
Player lost against Phönix (Scottish-Robert the Bruce ) | 2
Player won against Phönix (random ) | 2
Player lost against Fry3k (Arabia-Saladin ) | 2
Player lost against hundepriester (random ) | 2
Player lost against 297_Balkankoenig (random ) | 6
Player lost against Genesis (Mapuche-Lautaro ) | 6
Player lost against Nighty (random ) | 2
Player lost against Fry3k (random ) | 2
Player lost against Kolumbus (random ) | 2
Player lost against Nighty (Rome-Trajan ) | 2
Player lost against Genesis Eric (Brazil-Pedro II ) | 10
Player lost against freyr (random ) | 6
Player lost against Lanzelot (France-Catherine de Medici ) | 4
Player lost against Thorgal (Khmer-Jayavarman VII ) | 6
Match overview of player FANDAZMA
No achievements yet
Gender: | No statement |
Nationality: | |
Time zone: | UTC +1:00 |
Civforum-Name: | |
Steam-Name: | |
civplayers-Name: | |
g4l.eu language setting: | Deutsch |
Last match in Civilization 6: | 2024-04-27 |
Last action at: | 2024-12-13 16:07:30 |
Contact | @ |
Homepage: | http://www. |
Age & birthday date: | 51 | 1973-04-03 |
Name: | Marco Janeczek |
Latest visitors: |
Dicuras Kkonradd Lanzelot Nighty OrganicGrowth |