Last seen:
6 months ago
Player's team:
Did not join any team
First match: 2017-08-10
Last match: 2020-01-17
Statistics for league Civilization V:
League active since (- until): 2017-08-10 - 2020-01-17
Matches: 8
Wins: 3 Losses: 2 Draws (no winner): 3
First match: 2017-08-10
Last match: 2020-01-17
Opponents defeated: 23
Losses against opponents: 18
Player won against Milanjus Phönix ARGNAN Fry3k Golan (Poland-Casimir III ) | 6
Player lost against ARGNAN (Egypt-RamessesII ) | 6
Player lost against Admiral G (Celts-Boudicca ) | 6
Player lost against wileyc (Carthago-Dido ) | 6
Player won against ARGNAN Steffinger Storm RoliDeRush Valigar Lycan Admiral G (Poland-Casimir III ) | 8
Player lost against Josepp (Greece-Alexander the Great ) | 6
Player lost against Admiral G Lycan Phönix (Denmark-Harald Bluetooth ) | 6
Player won against Phönix han248 127_Silas Storm Michel de Fleury ÜbernahmeBot (random ) | 7
Match overview of player Joey
No achievements yet