Game #374 Tournament game#5 | Round 1 : PBEM 2v2 team tournament 2016 #5
Jundland Banshee
Match Details
Played: | 2016-08-23 |
Savegame | |
Amount of Humans: | 4 |
Kind of Report: | PBEM 2v2 team tournament 2016 |
Kind of game: | PBEM |
Game-value: | 57 |
Result | Player | Classes | Races | Team | Points | Extra Points | Missed Points | Quitter | Rate |
1 | $eeR | Sorcerer | Draconians | 2 | 23 | 11 | 0 | here | |
1 | jabst | Necromancer | Frostlings | 2 | 40 | 20 | 0 | here | |
2 | Jundland Banshee | Rogue | Humans | 1 | 0 | 0 | -51 | here | |
2 | Lightform | Warlord | Elves | 1 | 0 | 0 | -22 | here |
Posts to the game:
West coasters won
374 | Age of Wonders 3
374 | Age of Wonders 3
Please try again and if it doesn't work, Markymark or me will report it.
EDIT: jabst, could you please check your PM on the site? There is an important one about Necro balance where your inputs is very much required
You can continue now. As no proof of crash or equivalent was provided, a warning for reload not justified with an appropriate proof is given to Jundland.
Please keep in mind that this is not the end of the world (I give this precision because we just had some issues in another game): it is very unlikely that such situation will happen again in the future and this warning is thus very likely to have no consequence.
Please report other reloads here.
And if you have any issue, please remember to take photos (including with your smartphone) or videos or screenshots or anything, but please provide something that can hep to justify you indeed had an issue. Thanks a lot!
Please wait, I haven't got any answer from Markymark or Fistandantilus yet (Markymark is migrating the server so is a little busy now, sorry).
Can we resume playing our turns ?
You will be stopped probably 1 day at most. That's not a big inconvenience. So please abide by the rules, it will help everyone in the tournament. Please confirm to me the game is stopped.
Jundland, do you confirm you do not have photos of the blue screen?
@jabst: generally my blue screens are long and it is u to me to reboot the computer to make them disappear so I think in general it is not a problem to take a photo. But of course, it can happen that it quickly disappear and the computer reboots alone. That should be rare.
System notification
Round 1 : PBEM 2v2 team tournament 2016 #5
In order to avoid advantaging one team or the other, for each match, the team who will host the match was randomly selected. The first team in the "turn order" above (who is also the team on top in the tree here: index.php?page=tourneyroster&tourneyid=5) must host the game.
Any of the players in the team can host. The host must play in #2 position in the turn order (please check rule 2 for more details).
Tournament Game #5 Round 1!
When players do not show up for their match, the Tournament Judges have the right to change the match
Also.. I have swapped my position with Jund, so the game is all good to go.
They host. Please wait. (and contact them on Steam)
Lightform or Jundland is supposed to be the designated host , not our team.
But if it is needed I can do the hosting , I just need to hear that from either Jund or Light before going ahead with it.