Turnier LMP Duel Tournament 2016

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Please see the rules from last Live Multiplayer Tournament.

Please visit the page for rule discussion

Tournament Player Pool (Sign in for news about)

Tournament page
Participants (Click on name for sending pm)
Tree (Click on game for going to game, see some mouse hoover effects)

Players are encouraged to video their matches, for the enjoyment of others and also to allow judges to verify any allegations, because without video proof of breaking the rules, it is your word against the other player’s. This is especially pertinent for rules 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8.

Bear in mind that there are 3 judges this time around, and hopefully there’ll be a Judge online and able to observe (through Steam streaming etc, or even able to act as a host if need be) during every single match, so any issues can be resolved quickly. This doesn’t mean a Judge has to be there for a match to take place. Thus, videoing a match is not completely necessary.

1. Split stacking is allowed, both opportunistic and deliberate.

This is because it is essentially impossible to police, and also because there was a growing list of exceptions. it is much simpler to put the onus on the player to avoid being split stacked. Rule number 2 should be enough to allow you to not get caught out.

2. 20 second rule. You must not attack a player in the first 20 seconds of your turns. You may manoeuvre away to your heart’s content, but no attacking. This is inviolable. If you break it, you must retreat your forces. If you do not, then you forfeit the match.

 It is as simple as that. This was originally 15 seconds but has been extended due to lag concerns. In order to prove it, video is desired. This takes effect after the switch to simultaneous turns.

3. If you (rage) quit in the middle of a fight, or disconnect and do not show up within 15 minutes, the match is considered forfeited, unless you have very good reason, such as someone violating the 15 second rule (and have video to explain yourself). Please make sure your internet connection is reliable enough for a game. If you repeatedly quit then you may be liable to forfeiting your games, or forfeit your place in any future tournaments.

Obviously, without video or a Judge in attendance, this is extremely difficult to prove.

4.In the event of a disconnection, the match is to be saved in the turn that the game was disconnected, and reloaded from there, i.e. NOT the autosave, before TC is loaded;

==> any additional actions before the battle are forbidden (enchanting/dispelling armies, global spells, moving armies);

==> if the disconnection happened closer to the end of the battle, it is recommended that either both players disband units that were killed (or left with 1-2 HP) in battle and replay the battle with what’s left, or (in case the battle outcome is clear) the player that was losing the battle surrenders the battle, his opponent disbands all his units that were killed (or left with 1-2 HP) and the game continues;

==> if the disconnection happened closer to the beginning of the battle, the battle is replayed, and the players should stick to original tactics until they are forced to change it to adapt to new random hits, misses and damages

Rule 4 is intended to be able to continue a match wherever possible. Please note that Judges may call for a complete restart if they feel the match integrity has been irretrievably damaged.

5. Banter and taunting is allowed, rudeness, swearing and racial (or other prejudicial) language is not. Repeatedly trolling will lead to forfeiting the match.

There is considerable cultural variation in what constitutes being rude etc, so to make it simple, if someone complains, Judges will look into it. If a Judge deems it rude, warnings will be given. If you persist after warning are given, you may be banned. This is part of why Gabriel was banned last time.

6. Stalling in combat, whilst dishonourable, is to be allowed.

It is a legitimate tactic, and one that is really only effective for a very limited window.

7. You cannot play the same class, or race twice in a row.
 You must let the Judges, but not your opponent, know what class and race you will play for your upcoming match. For example, if you play Human Theocrat, for your next match, you cannot be either Human or Theocrat (but that still leaves you 6*8 options, i.e 48).

If there are any doubts over what you can or cannot play, ask and the situation will be clarified.

8. You get one chance every match to ask for a reroll of the map, ONLY if the starting terrain for your start race is terrible, and only in your first 3 matches. This must be done by turn 5. Your opponent has the right to ask that the Judge(s) look at the autosave. If the autosave is found to be inconsistent with the player’s claim, the player will forfeit the match. If the map is rerolled, you cannot change your race or class. Clarification: Once past the initial 3 matches, you get no rerolls. If your start position is terrible, that’s an acceptable risk. If you are a Summoner class, starting with no nodes is a risk you take. At this stage your skill level and scout abilities should be enough for you to get out of such a corner.

Guys, the rmg never lands your race in unfavourable terrain anymore. You might be a Sorc and have no nodes in your start city, but imho that’s not enough reason to restart. Plus, the meta and skill level of players has matured enough that I don’t think we need this rule. I propose we ditch it.

9. The decision of the Judges is to be respected. Players breaking the rules get a total of 3 warnings before being disqualified from the tournament entirely. Judges may disqualify a player without warnings if their behaviour is deemed to be completely out of order (e.g. racism).

I cannot emphasise this enough. The role of the Judges is not just to implement the rules, but to run the tournament. Therefore if the Judges decide the best thing to do is, for example, restart a match or remove a player (for example for non attendance), don’t complain that it isn’t completely specified down to the last detail in the rules outlined above. We want to get matches played and things to keep moving, and it is impossible to account for every eventuality using these rules.

10If you feel one of the rules had been broken, but you carry on playing, then you have no recourse.

If you think something is wrong, call a halt to the proceedings and contact a Judge. For example, in the previous tournament, Ex Nihil rolled a 1 in a million map. The odds were so low for such a map to be rolled that he thought something strange was going on. Triumph confirmed that it was legitimate, but his actions were correct:

– stop match
 – call Judge
 – if you are unhappy with the decision the Judge makes, you have the right to appeal, in which case all three Judges will assess the situation and come up with a solution.

11. Players can arrange whatever settings (e.g. no dwellings) they choose, but in the absence of consensus, the following are to be considered the default, or standard, settings:

Medium maps,
 Simultaneous turns at start, then reload the game and switch to Classic Turns once contact is made with your opponent,
 Underground enabled,
 no hero resurgence
 Force high speed tactical combat- doesn’t matter
 Dwellings – few
 Seals- default (40 charges)
 Beacons – default (2 beacons)
 Terrain – default
 Map type – Land
 Roaming Units – average
 Starting town – village
 Starting units – medium
 Starting distance -Average
 Starting Skills – Average
 Roads – Average
 Roaming Units- Average
 Cities – few
 Treasures- Average
 Resource Structures – Average
 Visit Structures – Average
 Treasure Structures – Average
 Cosmic Events – Average
 Manual combat versus Humans always, auto against independents.
 Heroes – 3
 Imperial Quests off

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