Partie actuelle Chivalrous Intentions 3v3 (Organisé par $eeR) - PBEM

Quand tout le monde connaît les valeurs (classes / races, dirigeants) d'autrui ou à la fin du jeu, les valeurs peuvent être mises à jour sur cette page, de quoi nourrir les statistiques méta (s'il vous plaît éviter de révéler vos valeurs ou un autre joueur quand il peut fournir des informations stratégiques à vos adversaires).

Pos. Nom du joueur Jeu période ClassesRacesÉquipe Evaluer
1 marcuspers20:00-22:00SorcererOrcs4aqui
2 MARKYMARK18:00-0:00WarlordHumans4aqui
3 AlXStormrage20:00-0:00DreadnoughtFrostlings4aqui
4 DrLight20:00-0:00ArchdruidDraconians6aqui
5 Fluksen20:00-0:00RogueHalflings6aqui
6 $eeR17:00-21:00SorcererOrcs6aqui
Publié le Thu, 28 May 2020 08:21:25 -0700

Got a crash too
I also got a crash. mine was in a small battle when clicking on a frostling viking unit, so I had to redo a turn. Sorry. (also no big battles)

Publié le Wed, 27 May 2020 13:44:22 -0700

Got a crash, was not a big battle in near. 

Publié le Tue, 26 May 2020 03:03:31 -0700

Naga cruelty!
We want to issue a statement regarding the Frostling Dreadnought who has recently killed Naga in their natural habitat. This is an environmental park and Naga are an endangered species! We Halflings protected this Naga-recreational-habitat with great care and substantial investment, now a stupid Orc Guru and his Frostling followers stomp over it - Especially those currently siding with said Dreadnought - I call on you: Help to stop the killing and donate Gold and Mana to your friendly (and absolutely trustworthy!) Halfling Rogue before it's too late!

Publié le Mon, 18 May 2020 11:06:22 -0700

You could clear your game files from the specific game as well and in that way start your turn from scratch, so no need to revert the turn.

Publié le Mon, 18 May 2020 10:59:40 -0700

Hey Guys ive done something silly yesterday ,

started playing my turn and then saved and exited to play a live game that i was called to

since then chiv mod updated , and i updated before finishing my turn .

contacted the chiv mod author and got an older version , but still not compatable , so i can't get back into my turn.

only option is to revert game to Dr. Lights turn and he will have to play it again......sorry about this ...... will do that tomorrow unless anybody has any objuections ?

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