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Overview 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool | PBEM | (Free slots)

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Organisator: Skuns453Lirik902 | Joined so far: 25 | unlimited

Hi to all fans of AoW3. We started this discussion to see how many players are interested in this format of tournaments. You are a veteran or a beginner on AoW3? It doesn't matter, you are welcome to join this discussion pool.  After joining this discussion pool, please define your skill level - are you a veteran or a beginner, - to simplify future unite in teams. If you are not registered yet on this site or don't want to register in the near future, you still have a chance to participate in this tourney. Please contact this players via Steam: skuns687lirik539; via GOG: Skuns249Lirik176, - to say about your interest in participating on this tournament. It will be a small tournament with only 4 teams, where each team consists of 3 players: 1 Veteran + 2 Beginners. And there will be 2 phases: group phase - 2 matches between random opponent teams, final phase - semifinal for 3-rd place and final for 1-st and 2-nd places. Full list of rules for this tournament you can find HERE. The first tournament in such setting is organized: Tournament page. Both lists composition (main & odd) and team members you can see here.

Published on Sat, 20 Jan 2018 19:59:00 +0100
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Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion
gladis joined !!

Published on Sat, 20 Jan 2018 19:57:45 +0100
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Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion
DreadReapr joined !!

Published on Sat, 20 Jan 2018 19:51:32 +0100

Nice idea, I would be interested as a veteran <smiletext0>
But do you think the number of interested new players is twice as much as the veterans?

@Marcus I would suggest the same.

@Skuns Or are the demands for veterans so high that I count as a new Player? xD

Published on Sat, 20 Jan 2018 19:49:59 +0100

I would be happy to join as a veteran for 1 team.
But why not make it a 3 match minimum with all play all and top 2 team fight in a final and 3,4 fight for 3rd place?
Its basically the same amount of matches as you suggest, but instead of you play 2/3 teams you play all other 3.
I think this is more fair, as otherwise a team could reach the "final" because they got "lucky" who they played.

Edit: Another option is to allow 6 teams of 3, with 2 groups, and 1st play 1st in other group in final and 2nd play second in other group for 3rd place finish.

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