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Overview 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool | PBEM | (Free slots)

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Organisator: Skuns453Lirik902 | Joined so far: 25 | unlimited

Hi to all fans of AoW3. We started this discussion to see how many players are interested in this format of tournaments. You are a veteran or a beginner on AoW3? It doesn't matter, you are welcome to join this discussion pool.  After joining this discussion pool, please define your skill level - are you a veteran or a beginner, - to simplify future unite in teams. If you are not registered yet on this site or don't want to register in the near future, you still have a chance to participate in this tourney. Please contact this players via Steam: skuns687lirik539; via GOG: Skuns249Lirik176, - to say about your interest in participating on this tournament. It will be a small tournament with only 4 teams, where each team consists of 3 players: 1 Veteran + 2 Beginners. And there will be 2 phases: group phase - 2 matches between random opponent teams, final phase - semifinal for 3-rd place and final for 1-st and 2-nd places. Full list of rules for this tournament you can find HERE. The first tournament in such setting is organized: Tournament page. Both lists composition (main & odd) and team members you can see here.

Published on Sun, 04 Mar 2018 18:57:21 +0100

To all
I have to notify you that I'm going to the vacation from 8 of March to 11 of March. So I won't be able to play my turns during that period. 

Published on Thu, 01 Mar 2018 20:29:34 +0100

To Marcus
No, there is no deadline and I'm personally not to rush. But I thought that other players can't wait to start. <smiletext0>  I don't want to push on people - I'm for the natural progress of things/events

Anyway there is a bug in the main branch of the balance mod with the hero's upgrade points after this mod was upgraded. So we need wait the moment when it will be fixed

Published on Thu, 01 Mar 2018 12:16:09 +0100

So far only one team have sent the race/class of the team, but I think most teams have stated they are not ready yet, so that's understandable!

If there is no deadline for a start, maybe you want to push it a bit, and set a deadline!

Published on Thu, 01 Mar 2018 10:02:32 +0100

Wine festival
Seer definitely living the hard life ;D

Published on Thu, 01 Mar 2018 09:58:30 +0100

Actually no , I have to attend the Vancouver International Wine Festival tomorrow afternoon.

but yes I think we have our race/class pretty much decided , just trying to get our magic specs to line up with the plan

see what I can come up with after trying couple hundred different types of wine tomorrow.

Published on Thu, 01 Mar 2018 07:24:31 +0100

I could ask Blackcat whether he wants to play as a beginner  

Published on Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:21:35 +0100


We (el Lobo, Seer and I) are nearly done with our setup, just need Seer to give the last comments... But he seems to still be sobering up

Published on Wed, 28 Feb 2018 21:27:15 +0100

To all
Sorry for the delay with the answer  - was too busy.

@Longinus - I'll give detailed explanations later  

@Ezekiel - Did Dia contact you to discuss your team things? 

@Marcus - Which teams had not sent yet their combos to you? 

Published on Wed, 28 Feb 2018 11:19:17 +0100

Hi longinus, team matching (who vs who) is just done, so you have to wait until the game is opened and then join. Nothing to do for now, your or your enemy team will contact you when the game is set up.

Published on Wed, 28 Feb 2018 02:32:56 +0100

now what
am I suppose to do something ?

Published on Tue, 27 Feb 2018 05:27:48 +0100

To Zytozid
Zytozid. Ezekiel told me that Dia is still keeping a silence in his team. I sent him email message with such words:

Hi, Dia.
I contact you because you singed up to participate in 3vs3 tournament on tne We already just about to start this tourney. And we made concessions to you when you were in the vacation\working trip. But now you have returned as Zytozid says. So if you are still interested in participation in this tourney then it's strange that you still don't contact with the veteran of your team (Ezekiel). I can understand that you may have language problems with English. But: 1. You can use Google translate (or any other translator) to help you with it; 2. Zytozid is a player from the opponent team, but there are some German players on the site to help with it too - just ask me or contact them by yourself (Markymark, Gladis). Anyway I give you 3 days to show up on the site and join us at this interesting competition. <smiletext23> Otherwise I will be forced to replace you. <smiletext6> I don't want do that but it's already some rude to continue to keep silence 

Regards, administrator of the tourney Skuns453Lirik902 

Let me know, is he still interested in joining us. If he changed his mind by any reason - that's ok, we will understand.   But if he's not - it may be serious problem in the future if he likes to keep silence instead to contact with teammates <smiletext6>

Published on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 14:25:41 +0100

To all
Finally I've finished the rules page. What were updated: Rule № 6, Rule № 13 (was too strong for the beginners as I think), Arbitration process. 
So we can start. Just join the tourney. Good luck and have fun for all of you. 

P.S. Don't forget to send your class/race from each team to the judges (Marcus is preferred). When Marcus approved all combos with the rules - we'll start the fighting 

Published on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 12:15:17 +0100

To all
@Zytozid  Thanks for this news. <smiletext0>  I'll keep it in mind. Our team is also not ready, but I hope they will appear by my request 

@Seer  There are no any "Sluts" for your team on this site.   <smiletext1>  Only team slots. You are welcome to join the tourney with that name of your team <smiletext23>

@all  It's strange that nobody is joined the tourney yet.   If you have doubts - after clicking the button "Join"  on the main Tournament PAGE, you can create a temporary "tournament" team and add all your teammates there. It is no needings to leave your Clan/Team on this site to create new team for this tourney. <smiletext0> 

Published on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 11:45:51 +0100

Hi Skuns yes we are ready or very nearly.......burp....ouch drink #15 atm.....

El Lobo and I have been scheming up some nice tactics....we request team Slut #3

Team Name = Dos Equis XX

but I did have one question about the tournament rules....just too crunk atm to remember it

will post again when sober

Published on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 09:16:28 +0100

DiaEmperador will be back from seminars today. He brought his laptop with him but did not have an internet connection, he will join his team today. So his team cannot be ready yet. We also did not finish our lineup for the first tournament battle yet.

Published on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 06:24:55 +0100

To all
Hi. I need the conformation from veterans of all other teams about that their teams are ready to start - here or by PM. Don't forget to send your team combos to the judges (preferably to Marcus) who is not in the opponent team for the match. 

P.S. Also just remind you - if you want you may to rename your team names  

Published on Mon, 19 Feb 2018 20:31:07 +0100

To all
So, Marcus convinced me to play at least the first match.  Of course, this decision brings many troubles for all participants from the main list. But don't worry - we still have one independent judge. It's Marcus. Though you also can send your team combos for those judges, whos are not in the opponent team for the current match. 

Sorry for the delay with the rules page. I'll do it as soon as possible - it's the first number of things in my priority ("to do") list 

Just remind the list of the judges for this tourney: me (Skuns453Lirik902), Ezekiel, marcuspers. 
Also, if I understood correctly, these players can be additional judges - Zytozid, gladis. An additional judges are needed for the case if one or two judges are involved in one session where there may be controversial issues. If I misunderstood someone of you, just let me know, guys 

Published on Sat, 17 Feb 2018 19:26:19 +0100

To all
Hi guys. I must inform all of you - Jean can't play in this tournament, he has decided to focus on his current matches. Well, that's his right. And it looks like I have to replace him. I didn't decide yet - will I replace him or not.   Please, give me few days for it. And yes, while the rules page is not full yet (in terms of judging) - please, do not send your team's combos to anybody (who can probably be a judge as you may think), including me.     
I'll inform you about my decision soon. 

@Akinos,Nub nub   Sorry guys with this situation - it was very unexpected for me too. Please be patient, wait just few days. And after then you can contact to your veteran-teammate to discuss your overall strategy for this tourney and possible combos. I hope you already have some proposals about what class or race you are fine to play in this tourney. Just keep it with yourself until a decision will made.

P.S. I gave a chance for Dread to return and replace Jean, but I think he is still too angry (with his luck) - he're continuing to keep a silence. So now he isn't in the odd list. <smiletext6>

Published on Sat, 17 Feb 2018 11:04:43 +0100

pbem Team Mini Tournament
Hoo Ahhh:whitemanGranpa's Old and He's slow

Published on Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:03:06 +0100

DiaEmperador is travelling atm but will be back the end of this week (if I understood right). I think there is no time pressure here to start immediately so that shoudl be fine. He defeinitely wants to play and join you guys and I think there is a lot to learn for him from Ezekiel.

I only played once against Ezekiel but I guess I've not been crushed so bad ever since

Also it is silent here but that is fine. Teams need to get in contact with each other and discuss..that takes time.

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