Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
73 olschenstein774546 %(7 | 15)3L24L78
102 spockimpossible680333 %(4 | 12)LLW48
150 Blechhower68030 %LLL08
109 Shakey70030 %LLL09
83 RocketRandom752430 %(4 | 13)423L49
106 Badok836840 %(6 | 15)LLWLW69
150 orlyzzz68040 %LLLL09
108 keika11624581 %(39 | 48)WWWWW399
109 darkapothem70050 %LLLLL09
110 chiveicrook72559 %(1 | 11)LLWLL110
111 petracke7521116 %(2 | 12)WLLLL210
112 Blad_ua10143273 %(30 | 41)WLWLL3011
113 IIaanor8621433 %(6 | 18)LLWW4612
114 RedChameleon741936 %(7 | 19)LWLL2712
109 DacrioS70090 %LLLLL012
116 Kwibus8521155 %(15 | 27)2333W1512
117 Melciar9991763 %(23 | 36)WLLLL2313
118 Thorgal9842154 %(17 | 31)WWWWL1714
119 Jundland Banshee777917 %(3 | 17)WLLLL314
120 Zytozid9541946 %(15 | 32)WWLLW1517

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