Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
109 Boze70020 %LL04
109 embahr70020 %LL04
109 Entengummitiger70010 %L04
109 Techno70010 %L04
109 Starfleck70010 %L04
109 Larks700120 %(1 | 5)514
87 Lck803450 %(4 | 8)WLWL44
109 luxi6870010 %504
77 NINJEW764260 %(6 | 10)3364
90 HellBrick10781788 %(30 | 34)WWWWL304
107 Geriant711142 %(3 | 7)534
92 Jaguer710420 %(1 | 5)WLLL14
109 Bishmanrock70030 %LLL04
150 Bracasse68010 %L04
109 ezysquire70020 %LL04
96 Retromancer978876 %(10 | 13)WWLWL103
97 Hannibal2000750257 %(4 | 7)4W43
98 gabthegab11984695 %(66 | 69)WWWLW663
109 TheLegendaryBen700140 %(2 | 5)423
100 Nub nub769240 %(2 | 5)WL23

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