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Partie actuelle PBEM for beginners (Organisé par Darthi) - PBEM

Quand tout le monde connaît les valeurs (classes / races, dirigeants) d'autrui ou à la fin du jeu, les valeurs peuvent être mises à jour sur cette page, de quoi nourrir les statistiques méta (s'il vous plaît éviter de révéler vos valeurs ou un autre joueur quand il peut fournir des informations stratégiques à vos adversaires).

Pos. Nom du joueur Jeu période ClassesRacesÉquipe Evaluer
1 Darthi20:00-0:001aqui
2 StarFish21:00-0:002aqui
3 STBULLET20:00-0:003aqui
4 Zytozid19:00-0:004aqui
5 El_Lobo19:00-0:005aqui
Publié le Sat, 11 Nov 2017 19:37:03 +0100

Let's leave this game and create a new  one or join the one from Lobo if it's still open. It makes more sense than contiuiung this one (:

Publié le Sun, 05 Nov 2017 12:56:45 +0100

Seems that there are still players want to continue.
So everyone who don't play anymore should leave the game.

Publié le Tue, 31 Oct 2017 13:14:35 +0100

I created a new game here on the battlefield. Feel free to join. It's named PBEM Beginner and Advanced Game. I'll host it wiht the tournament rules when more players joined in the battlefield.

Publié le Tue, 31 Oct 2017 13:06:14 +0100

PAINFULWILLI -> Perןgold81 = starfish

Publié le Sun, 29 Oct 2017 21:55:57 +0100

It's better when they register here so that other players on the battlefield don't think there are free slots in the game. I think it would be better to inform the players ingame so that we can be sure that they have read the message. I don't know who's turn it is but it would be good if the next player sends a message to all players with a link to the battlefield and a short description why we stop the actual game.

Publié le Sun, 29 Oct 2017 20:47:17 +0100

4 vs 4 sounds good.
We can inform  (game name, passwort) the other players over the age of wonders massege option.

Publié le Sun, 29 Oct 2017 20:37:45 +0100

I can host it. 4vs.4 or less players? What about the other players in the actual game who still aren't registered in the battlefield?

And I would like to host a team game 4 vs. 4 if we play with 8 players that the "real" new players can learn something from the advanced ones even if there are no veteran players taking part in the game. (I think i'am advanced right now ^^)

Publié le Sat, 28 Oct 2017 22:12:02 +0200

ok. I agree.
Is there somebody who wants to create it? The link to the tournamet settings was posted by Hiliadan.

Publié le Sat, 28 Oct 2017 20:43:08 +0200

yea we got all things we need to just rush and hope to survive <smiletext6>

Publié le Sat, 28 Oct 2017 20:37:08 +0200

So I did my first turn but in my opinion it makes no sense to go on with this game. We got a strong army and this game has nothing to deal with an "normal" PBEM. There is not much to learn about how to built up an empire. Everyone got three T3 units, very strong armies (I think about 12 or 13 units) and a metropolis. I prefer a restart with tournamnet settings.

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 23:25:56 +0200

Nobody answerd on my idea yet.
I understand it like playing forth, minimum till the end of the next round.
The coordination for your substitute, would be a reaseon for me playing the game forth.

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 23:06:12 +0200

As I said, I found osmeoneto do my first turns..I can play. Did you open a new game now or continue the old?

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 18:04:40 +0200

What do you think about everybody makes a turn? So we all have an impression. Then we decide what to do.
I would like to stay in the game, because we called at a beginner game. I believe where beginners are playing or creating maps, miskes were made. I think, we though have to learn to make the best out our mistakes.
By the way it was hard enough to get together so many players. There are three players we found on other platforms.
I have many think to do daytime, at the moment I'm happy the game is started.

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 17:31:40 +0200
Système de notification

PBEM for beginners
startet a aow game, for pbem beginners.
Name: AOWmatch
Passwort: match

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 15:04:51 +0200

Hi there! It seems you have 3 players in your game that haven't joined here. The best would be if you could let them join here too (by the way, how did they get the password?). Otherwise, please change the max number of players here so that the game appears as full. Otherwise players may think it is still open and join it here, but then be frustrated not to be able to actually join it on the PBEM server.

Also, I advise you to check the tournament settings and get inspired by them (+ usually the host lists all the settings here, because joining a game without any idea of the settings is a bit challenging): https://www.the-battlefield.c...

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 14:14:08 +0200

lets cancel it, and open it for 4 players or something...

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 09:11:23 +0200

baaad news guys, as mentioned I will be in holiday the next twoo weeks (back November 12). I won't bring my laptop with me so I won't be able to do my turns myself.
If we restart we might solve this issue or play without me but I won't be ablt to do any turns until then...

sorry for the inconvenience. I believe restarting would now be the best option we have.

I can ask my little brother to do my first turns for me though, so I won't skip turns.

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 05:54:34 +0200


the problem with couple of PBEM that every game have its own mods and you need restart the game for this specific session...

Publié le Fri, 27 Oct 2017 00:36:49 +0200

Everyone has just 2 days to finish his turn, shouldn't get boring though.

Publié le Thu, 26 Oct 2017 23:10:03 +0200

in PB Em you only can play classic turns, because each turn is saved and send to the next player in line. Who then plays his turn and the next player has to do his and so on. There is no way to play simoultaneous via PBEM. This is why 8 player games can take a long time unti lyoudo your turns gaain. Many players, including me, to several PVBEM games at once because of this, then there also always is something to do when you play in 5 or 6 games <smiletext1>

About the game settings: Darthi, if you want to change them do it. Everyone can simply re-enter the game. It's far better to stop now and restart than realizing the settings are not good in the middle of the game.
