Tournament 2019 PBEM Duel Tournament

Participants Player Pool Roster Rules Prizes Meta Statistic


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Overview Round 10 : 2019 PBEM Duel Tournament #62 | PBEM

Recommended turn order based on play times:

Player Playing time ClassesRacesBet on the result of this match
Hiliadan22:00-23:00Favourite: TheocratFavourite: Goblins (win probability: 46 %)
keika15:00-18:00Favourite: SorcererFavourite: Elves (win probability: 54 %)
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Organisator: Hiliadan | Joined so far: 2 | 2

Please click here to read the rules. In order to avoid advantaging one team or the other, for each match, the team who will host the match was randomly selected. The first team in the "turn order" above (who is also the team on top in the tree here) must host the game. Any of the players in the team can host. Tournament Game #62 Round ! When players do not show up for their match, the Tournament Judges have the right to change the match!