A glimpse of the new race in the future Shadow Realm community-made expansion (News)

Who are the current inhabitants of the Shadow Realm? It is time to discover the Shadow Elves and to get to know (a little) more about the structures in their mysterious and dangerous world. Their distant cousins, the Dark Elves, who stayed in Athla, also reveal themselves a bit more in this article.

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Almost three months have passed again since the last article regarding the Shadow Realm expansion and the team of volunteers working on the project have some nice pictures to share with you to report on the progress of the expansion!

The previous article stayed silent on the new race that would inhabit the Shadow Realm, it is time to provide a few details!
The Shadow Elves are Elves who followed Meandor in the Shadow Realm and stayed there. Through contacts with local races and acclimation, they developed their own, very distinct culture.

Shadow Elf unit by vfxrob, work in progress

Another Shadow Elf unit by vfxrob, work in progress

The Shadow Realm will host several exclusive sites to visit, and players should have the opportunity to encounter new creatures in some of them. The previous news article revealed one such structure, the Sword of the Ashen Rose. This time, we unveil the Ghrauth Flames!

Example of structures that players will encounter in the Shadow Realm, the Ghrauth Flames, by Charlatan, made as a tribute for Kranford – several of the structures that will be included in the Shadow Realm were first made in tribute to players who helped Charlatan in his work, and are now included in the Decodence mod

The Dark Elf Executionner and Sharpshooter presented in the previous two articles are part of the Dark Elf Dwelling. This Dwelling can only be found in the Underground where Dark Elves have hidden ever since they refused to attend the Mending, and isolated themselves from the rest of the world, led by Hester. Dark Elves worship the Cult of Storms and compensate their low numbers by very powerful combat skills. They live in Dwellings far in the depth of Athla.

The Dark Elf Dwelling, by Charlatan

Reminder: the team working on the expansion is looking for someone with skills in using the software Maya to weight paint the 3D models. The project would also welcome very warmly any person with other graphical skills (icons, 3D models).

Future news may provide more information on the gameplay aspects of the new Dwelling, Race and layer.

Erstellt am: 11. 12. 2016 um 15:44:21