Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
81 Hannibal2000750257 %(4 | 7)4W43
82 spockimpossible680333 %(4 | 12)LLW48
83 Lck803450 %(4 | 8)WLWL44
84 jabst7973100 %(4 | 4)WWW40
105 ExNihil713518 %(4 | 22)34LL5418
86 Pothead Pixie792380 %(4 | 5)WW241
83 RocketRandom752430 %(4 | 13)423L49
88 SleepingDog791633 %(4 | 12)LLWLL48
89nidsfar118072100 %(4 | 4)WW40
72 Jolly Joker775262 %(5 | 8)2353
104 AbedNego723338 %(5 | 13)34458
92 Lykus801371 %(5 | 7)2WL52
93 Satonir8644100 %(5 | 5)WWWW50
94 Longinus794920 %(5 | 24)WLL2L519
95 SanTiL818662 %(5 | 8)WWLLW53
96 Sjow841771 %(5 | 7)WWWWW52
97 Hotpixels832262 %(5 | 8)LW53
98 Badok836840 %(6 | 15)LLWLW69
99 IIaanor8621433 %(6 | 18)LLWW4612
100 Kruel8432100 %(6 | 6)WW60

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