Current game Global Strategy game (Organisator AlXStormrage) - PBEM Game

When everyone knows the values (classes / races, leaders) of others or at the end of the game, the values can be updated on this page, which will feed the meta statistics (please avoid revealing your or other player’s values when it may provide strategic information to your opponents).

Published on Thu, 22 Oct 2020 11:45:00 +0200

I havn't got enough time for another game like the GSG atm. When this one is finished we can talk about GSG 2.0. I am saving every hour after my horrible crash some turns ago which cost's me about 2,5 hours of precious time....

Published on Thu, 22 Oct 2020 10:04:01 +0200

@Longinus, were you referring to the $eer's game or GSG 2.0? Either way, I think as long as you're dedicated - no one will object <smiletext0>
@El_lobo, not sure, to be honest. Doesn't seem like a major mod, but certainly impacts painfully, especially after of couple of hours in the turn I'd really love to see you on the next game as well <smiletext0>

Published on Wed, 21 Oct 2020 19:52:24 +0200

Hey guys or better hey AIX and Personian. Have had a crash right at the bginning of my turn after 13:30 minutes. If you like someone to watch my recording let me know. Same thing like some turns before. I openend the hero menu during the tactical combat. The game froze for a moment and then was closed. Do you know if any of the mods we are using was updated? It's a bit strange that we played 100 turns without a crash and now I have had 2 within 5 or 6 turns. Personian started his turn again too. Was is also a crash?

And here some information about roaming indies for non-participating players. All others know that indies can be really cruel in this game...

Published on Wed, 21 Oct 2020 09:31:37 +0200

bah my annual devils knight games are legendary ,  why would i not continue the legacy of hosting them ?

sure longinus ur welcome to hop in you are a worthy ally or opponent

and experienced enough by now

Published on Fri, 16 Oct 2020 10:56:10 +0200

can I play

Published on Fri, 16 Oct 2020 09:27:38 +0200

$eer, I think we can host the GSG v2.0 instead of you hosting Halloween game independently <smiletext0> 
Either way - we can play with mods, I'm not strictly adhering to the ones posted there, but some testing would be needed, as when I tried to add Arsenal mods - game crashed during auto-save. Btw, I don't recall which one was it - "default" or "UG" start during leader selection, that allowed for leader to spawn on x level of the UG  (otherwise spawn is at first UG level or surface)
Maybe just PM me or write in Steam? I think we can come to some common grounds <smiletext0>

Published on Thu, 15 Oct 2020 09:40:08 +0200

i knew this game was cursed from the start 

i mean im all up for another 8 layer map etc     and possibly even giving the forge and attrition mod another shot but 

we must know the game map start setup plan before choosing leader etc

and stormrage is just not allowed to hi-jack my mod list from last years haloween hosting....

speaking of which , i do have to host another one of those soon as halloween is very soon

Published on Fri, 09 Oct 2020 08:43:19 +0200

No, we're actually having our own share of fights <smiletext0> 

btw, I'm on top layers of the UG/surface, so this is just some scout sabotage you saw <smiletext0>

Published on Wed, 07 Oct 2020 10:48:58 +0200

Yes AIX, that was the first thing which came to my mind. Why havn't you dumbass not even saved once....

Btw, funny thing that you guys attacked me at the same turn. Hopefully you havn't forged an alliance! ;-)

Published on Wed, 07 Oct 2020 02:02:26 +0200

Hi Lobo, well it sucks when that happens... know from experience. 
This is also the good moment to start saving&exiting the game every 30 minutes or so <smiletext0>

Published on Wed, 07 Oct 2020 00:08:21 +0200

God dammit, I am reallly pissed. :rage: I spend nearly 3 hours at my current turn and then the game crashed. I have to replay 95% of this turn. Let's see if I am motivated to replay it tomorrow...

Published on Tue, 08 Sep 2020 19:08:34 +0200

Hey there!

My notebook is broken but I bought an all-in-one PC to get back on track. Anyways I have a lot of turns to do and will focuse on the 3vs3 tournament match. I'll play my turn asap. Thank's for your patience!

Published on Thu, 03 Sep 2020 15:02:31 +0200

Hey there. I don't mind and yes, it's definetely good to save more than once a turn. But I forget it all the time... :/

Published on Thu, 03 Sep 2020 11:40:15 +0200

Hi guys, 

I had a crash (which happened after all the major battles coincidentally <smiletext6>(((), so have to restart the game. If you need the proof - I'll provide the screenshot

Since turns tend to take couple of hours now, it's probably a good idea to save game in between....

Published on Mon, 24 Aug 2020 10:19:42 +0200

Hey guys,

since yesterday my notebook refused to boot. I am not sure how fast I can solve the problem or if I need a new one. Can't say if it will take a week or month until I am able to play again... :-(

I'll let you know when I am able to play again. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Please disable the turn timer!

Published on Sat, 08 Aug 2020 21:37:40 +0200

I am on holidays until the 13th of august and won't be able to play my turns until then. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Published on Wed, 05 Aug 2020 21:10:36 +0200

i'm out but very less time for new games....(mods was buggy, i go out because i can not load game more)

Published on Wed, 05 Aug 2020 16:05:42 +0200

Some players are still in and now we've already invested much time we'll bring it to an end....around 2030 I guess. :p

Published on Wed, 05 Aug 2020 06:38:41 +0200

This map isn't abandoned yet ?

such a blantant misuse of mods

u guys should all drop it and hop into the 3 layer fancy one i hosted

Published on Thu, 16 Jul 2020 15:33:39 +0200

Hey guys, have had a nice turn clearing a forbidden sanctum, a lost city and a ziggurat. took me about 3 hours (like my past 3 turns) and I am not even controlling one layer. I don't know where this should end up. Atm I am on holidays but when I will get back to work next week I don't know how or when I should do my turns. 

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