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Partie actuelle Academy game for non-Veterans (Organisé par Hiliadan) - PBEM

Quand tout le monde connaît les valeurs (classes / races, dirigeants) d'autrui ou à la fin du jeu, les valeurs peuvent être mises à jour sur cette page, de quoi nourrir les statistiques méta (s'il vous plaît éviter de révéler vos valeurs ou un autre joueur quand il peut fournir des informations stratégiques à vos adversaires).

Publié le Wed, 14 Mar 2018 16:46:30 +0100

Zytozid, as part of the "Academy" side of things, I'm a bit surprised you have a Mana Node and Gold Mine unexplored near your Throne whereas you have the units to clear them. If I were you, I would have cleared that some time ago, it's gold, mana and experience, just for clearing it. And potentially income if you build a Fortress.
Also I see you used your CP to cast a defensive spell. Why not? But what about your summons? I'm surprised you sent only Wisps at us. A Sorcerer can build his army on the go by summoning very good units. You could have attacked us while we were attacking you. Attack is usually the best defense in AoW3. We have many lightly defended cities that you could possibly have taken. (though we do have patrols )

Publié le Sat, 10 Mar 2018 23:00:10 +0100

Good remark

Publié le Sat, 10 Mar 2018 17:54:09 +0100

Small tip: dezooming to reach the strategic map in "scroll-mode" allows to see better what is at the edge of the fog of war. It can also help to see if some Dwellings have been razed or not as it may not be obvious in the fog of war. The fact they have no name on that dezoomed map shows they were razed.

Publié le Mon, 05 Mar 2018 10:25:57 +0100

We will not be hindered, the Alliance will hold for now, we are those who bear the supreme truth, death to all infidels!

Publié le Sat, 03 Mar 2018 17:57:16 +0100

Nice, in some way, to hear that Zytozid fight on!

Publié le Sat, 03 Mar 2018 17:28:54 +0100

Hi all! Everyone's playing quite fast and I have a lot of extra work for the balance mod these few days so I can't keep up, sorry. I'm going to play my turn tomorrow, removing the turn timer temporarily as it would expire before I can play.

Publié le Thu, 01 Mar 2018 04:14:02 +0100

It's fine, you should upgrade the game to v1.23, we play with the current version of the balance mod, whatever it is. <smiletext0>

Publié le Wed, 28 Feb 2018 21:31:00 +0100

I just manually upgraded to the PBEM mod 1.23 for another game. Now if I would play my turn of the academy game i would update that also to 1.23 or so it tells me at least. Is that fine with everyone. And in case not how do i change back? I have gog so will downloading the old .taf file from Hiliadans dropbox and delete the 1.23 ta file work?

Publié le Thu, 22 Feb 2018 16:27:32 +0100

We will never surrender!

 - a lot of countries shortly before they surrendered

Publié le Wed, 21 Feb 2018 23:18:50 +0100

Apparently, yes. And when Zytozid is finally defeated we will keep playing football with his hero's head.

It is up to Zytozid anyway, if he wants to stop the game he can surrender.

Publié le Wed, 21 Feb 2018 22:13:42 +0100

So we keep playing this game?

Publié le Wed, 21 Feb 2018 12:24:21 +0100

I reverted the turn, 4 vs 1 (+1), you cannot really skip a turn. Time to get some training at big battles.

Publié le Wed, 21 Feb 2018 08:27:27 +0100

Sorry for skipping, I'm on a business trip and I thought I'd surely have enough time to do my turn but nope, I was wrong. Well be back tomorrow.

Publié le Sat, 17 Feb 2018 15:22:18 +0100

Hey there! Our dead informers (Whispers of the Fallen) gave us very valuable intel, which, combined to our Crows, helped us eliminate Marcus.
So we're close to the end it seems. It's a shame Dreamon disappeared and Elysian had to go. On our side, I think it was still a very instructive game, for tactical battles early game, and then for team play later on. I think we could have had much more "Academy" discussion on our team, but the fact that it was limited probably shows that Fluksen and Sauna are already quite experienced (and Imperium used the game blog less often).

I still plan to post about the latest discussions opened by Zytozid, and in particular I plan to post something about Quests and Vassals on the Wikia, and discuss it here. Should come a bit later, by next week.

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