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Aperçu PBEM Player Pool | PBEM | (Des places sont encore libres)

Ordre du tour recommandée en fonction des temps de jeu:

novograd 2:00-14:00 | ezysquire 4:00-6:00 | gabthegab 5:00-22:00 | Fistandantilus 8:00-4:00 | Warlord Keldon 7:00-23:00 | Sin Arcain 8:00-18:00 | Bracasse 8:00-18:00 | llldarkhorselll 9:00-13:00 | chiveicrook 10:00-23:00 | mauvebutterfly 10:00-14:00 | kernard 12:00-16:00 | Kwibus 12:00-0:00 | Jean_de_Metz 12:00-19:00 | rrrrookie 13:00-14:00 | Frozentape 12:00-23:00 | Skuns453Lirik902 13:00-17:00 | keika 16:00-19:00 | Saunatonttu 16:00-23:00 | Jonny Thunder 15:00-19:00 | ExNihil 16:00-20:00 | shoukim 18:00-23:00 | MARKYMARK 17:00-23:00 | Lykus 17:00-21:00 | Tarskon 17:00-22:00 | Badok 17:00-23:00 | personian 17:00-6:00 | sulatik 17:00-21:00 | Ezekiel 18:00-23:00 | EverydayJoe 17:00-21:00 | Hannibal2000 18:00-22:00 | Techno 18:00-22:00 | Moridin 18:00-22:00 | Zytozid 18:00-23:00 | THE RANGER 18:00-2:00 | AlXStormrage 18:00-22:00 | xlnt 18:00-22:00 | petracke 18:00-22:00 | belamoor 18:00-22:00 | Thorgal 18:00-22:00 | schlii 19:00-23:00 | Blueoceanbg 19:00-23:00 | Fanjo 19:00-23:00 | BLACKCAT 19:00-23:00 | Albaron 19:00-23:00 | Archer01 19:00-23:00 | StarFish 19:00-22:00 | Darthi 19:00-23:00 | Drenn 19:00-23:00 | rickyroo222 19:00-6:00 | Deckdisz 19:00-23:00 | EXECNOIR 19:00-23:00 | Zak0r 19:00-23:00 | phirpo 19:00-23:00 | Blechhower 19:00-23:00 | marcuspers 19:00-21:00 | Kiwipels 19:00-23:00 | Yari 19:00-23:00 | Akinos 19:00-23:00 | qugu 19:00-23:00 | SpiritSeeker 19:00-23:00 | jellolag 19:00-23:00 | Aristokrates 20:00-0:00 | Ariga 19:00-23:00 | Nihengwrn 19:00-23:00 | Blad_ua 19:00-23:00 | Kruel 20:00-2:00 | Vince777 20:00-0:00 | masterboja 20:00-0:00 | jawich 20:00-0:00 | Haxx 20:00-0:00 | Cthulhu2814 20:00-0:00 | Inbredchimera 20:00-0:00 | raphaell 20:00-23:00 | Sbiht 21:00-0:00 | natnat 20:00-23:00 | Jessic 20:00-0:00 | RedChameleon 20:00-0:00 | Larks 21:00-23:00 | ehall20 21:00-3:00 | Krec 21:00-8:00 | Gilafron 22:00-3:00 | Hiliadan 22:00-23:00 | cbower 23:00-4:00 | Starfleck 0:00-2:00 | Olop 0:00-6:00 | Henrysix 0:00-14:00 | JustaKing 1:00-5:00 | InHouseHeron 1:00-5:00 | Cat and Cat and Pat 1:00-5:00 | DrLight 1:00-5:00 | walterbarrett 1:00-5:00 | Demonic Spoon 2:00-6:00 | Fenfer 2:00-6:00 | cwolfy 2:00-6:00 | Shakey 2:00-6:00 | Elysian 3:00-6:00 | DrBigtime 3:00-7:00 | Sikeyboi 3:00-7:00 | AnarchCassius 4:00-8:00 | Loki44 5:00-8:00 | Rippjack 14:00-18:00 | Chrejo 2:00-6:00 | goatassin 9:00-8:00 | xoric713 20:00-0:00 | Cocos 19:00-23:00 | Aim 9:00-21:00

Je voudrais


Responsable de la partie: myl_supporter | Sont entrés pour le moment: 106 | illimité

You like to play PBEM? You want to get informed when a new PBEM game or tournament start? Then join this pool: you will receive a weekly newsletter summarizing new games. You can also comment in this pool to find new trusted PBEM players and announce new games.

Publié le Wed, 27 Sep 2017 17:58:03 +0200

I started a report on my 1st PBEM if you are interested drop by and comment

Publié le Wed, 13 Sep 2017 15:12:04 +0200

Ah, cool, I had no idea. How do I add the conditions and where do I find them?
Where do I find the KD (or more precisely WL) ratio?

Publié le Tue, 12 Sep 2017 13:11:15 +0200

A new player opened a duel: My 1st PBEM
So if another player who is also still not so experienced wants to play vs him, please join. <smiletext0>

@Zytozid: welcome too to host that "non Veteran" game and see who joins it. You can also add a requirement for the win ratio, or number of games, or whatever you want, to avoid having players that are too good joining and destroying everyone else. 

Publié le Mon, 11 Sep 2017 17:22:09 +0200

if you do a 2v2 it should even itself out. And there is several more, so should be able to create a 3v3/4v4 and then the individual skill is even less apparent. 

Just my thoughts, though i would love to play against Sauna in another game

Publié le Mon, 11 Sep 2017 17:09:41 +0200

I'd be interested too but I think all of the aforementioned are way better than I am...

Publié le Mon, 11 Sep 2017 16:35:55 +0200

Still no-one to create a game for non-Veterans? Based on recent activity on the BF, it seems clear such a game would fill relatively fast. Sauna or Badok or Fluksen or Imperium? <smiletext24>

== Balance ==
An article was published for the release (on the beta branch for now) of v1.22: PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod v1.22 released and available in 3 languages!
I just edited it to add a key information: v1.22 should be released on the main branch of the balance mod around the end of October. More precisely, it will be released as soon as round 5 of the PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ends (so that there is no version change during the ongoing matches).

A discussion about "making rarely used units more useful" was started more than 5 months ago and it's time to integrate some of changes suggested during that discussion in the balance mod. The consensus on the best changes is very limited though, so it would be good to get more opinions to filter the best proposals. The proposals are listed in a format "a.1/ xxxx", "a.2/ xxxx", etc. in the three posts below: (at the bottom)
It is not necessary (though surely useful) to read the whole 6 pages of the thread, you can just read the list in these 3 specific messages. Then please post your opinion on the official forum. Thanks for those who will provide feedback!

== Misc ==
The number of votes on the 2 ongoing polls is still limited, please remember to vote if you haven't yet, I don't think it will take you more than 30s and 3min respectively:
Would you be willing to donate some money to cover the cost of the purchase of 4 models for the Shadow Demon units of the Shadow Realm Community Expansion?
How user-friendly and effective do you think each of these sections of the Battlefield website are?

@Skuns: regarding Ghoul Yeti's Regeneration, see As far as I know, it has always been like that.
Regarding High Elf Manticore Riders, they have Inflict Stun, and Inflict Stun works only when a hit is given by the Manticore Rider TO another unit. When it's frozen, it doesn't hit anyone so no trigger of Inflict Stun. I guess it's the same for the other abilities you're mentioning.

Publié le Mon, 04 Sep 2017 01:08:56 +0200

To all
And why some units lose their default abilities when they are in entagling/freeze/etc. state? E.g. High Elf Manticore rider has a shocking ability by default but they lose it in freeze state. I didn't notice such behaviour earlier

Publié le Mon, 04 Sep 2017 00:58:26 +0200

To all
Can someone explain why did the unique ability of Yeti Regeneration stop working for Ghoul Yeti since new update (as I think)? Because I see a difference between usual regenerate ability for all living units and unique Yeti ability Regeneration (which quite close to Regrowth ability).

Publié le Wed, 30 Aug 2017 15:01:46 +0200

Looks like we have several non-Veteran players happy to join games recently, so maybe time for someone to host a "non-Veteran" game (i.e. for players who never exceeded 1000 ranking points and have only 1 star in the ranking: https://www.the-battlefield.c... />
A new poll has been launched to get feedback on the BF and help prioritize changes, if any is needed: How user-friendly and effective do you think each of these sections of the Battlefield website are? Thanks for your feedback! You can drop a line in the chat or post in the forum (there is a link in the poll) if you want to provide more detailed feedback.

Please also don't forget the previous poll: Would you be willing to donate some money to cover the cost of the purchase of 4 models for the Shadow Demon units of the Shadow Realm Community Expansion? There are only 9 respondents so far, I'm sure more people could vote (even to say they don't want to or can't give money, that will be useful for the Shadow Realm development team to know).

Finally, if you can only spend 60 minutes in a row in AoW3 but you're still interested to play manual battles vs other humans, come try the Arena game mode! Join the Arena Pool! We're already on v1.04 of the Arena and it's mostly working smoothly. As soon as we get sufficient feedback, we'll make a stable and easy to use version, with 1 file to download to install it all.

Publié le Mon, 28 Aug 2017 11:02:30 +0200
Système de notification

Information PBEM Player Pool
PurpleGecko quitted!

Publié le Tue, 15 Aug 2017 16:43:31 +0200

As you probably all know, a team of volunteers is designing the Shadow Realm Community Expansion. We are planning to bring back the Shadow Demons but we do not have a 3D artist to design their models (the two we had left). So we are planning to buy the models. The models will be used for the 4 units which will come back: Lord, Harvester, Bombard and Larva. Currently the models which made consensus are the following:

You can check out all the models that were considered and say on the chat which ones are your favourites, which may help to change the current choices (as we want models that people like and want to play with):
Larvae: />
The models cost about $100 in total. Considering that the expansion will probably be played by 1000-4000 players or more, that is relatively cheap and if each player gave $0.10, we would be able to buy them. Obviously, all players won't contribute, so we need a few motivated players to contribute more. For instance 10 players donating $10 each, or 20 donating $5 each.
In order to assess the interest and donation capacity of the community, this poll has been launched: Would you be willing to donate some money to cover the cost of the purchase of 4 models for the Shadow Demon units of the Shadow Realm Community Expansion? Please cast your vote (including if you can't or don't want to donate anything, there is an option for that) so that we can get a good idea of how much money could be collected.
The money collected for the Shadow Realm expansion would be used ONLY for the models and nothing else.

One idea to collect the money is to organize a tournament and let people donate money for it, then all the money in excess of $100 is used for prizes for the tournament's winner + a lucky prize randomly given to one or a few lucky participants.
Paypal would probably be used for donations (which means a small fee paid to Paypal for each donation, but outside bank transfers, we would always have such fees).


For those interested by manual tactical battles between human players, but who do not want to spends hours playing a full live MP games, please check out the Arena Pool! We're developing a new game mode with short preparation phase and then big battles, for a total of about 30-60 min per session.

Publié le Sat, 12 Aug 2017 16:27:29 +0200
Système de notification

Information PBEM Player Pool
Kruel joined !!

Publié le Wed, 26 Jul 2017 17:53:01 +0200
Système de notification

Information PBEM Player Pool
Badok joined !!

Publié le Tue, 25 Jul 2017 10:55:16 +0200

1 new game opened by Marcus today: a 3vs3 with classical settings 3v3 - Open for all

A new article was published yesterday, it's quite short, have a look at it if you missed the info on the live chat event from last June: Videos from the live chat event about the Shadow Realm Community Expansion

v1.22 of the balance mod has been released on its beta branch. It will probably stay on the beta branch for some time as we will need the main branch to stay on v1.21 for round 5 of the 2vs2 Tournament. So if you want to test it (and for some of you, prepare for round 4 of the Duel Tournament), please launch all your new games with the beta branch!
Check out the full changelog of the balance mod for more details.
Please note that the following changes were not implemented for technical reasons:
- Migration takes a minimum of 2 turns (was 1 turn) + 1 turn every 15 hexes (as before) (this change is temporarily dropped due to technical difficulties)
- Dreadnought heroes can choose Gas Masks at level 7 for 5 points: units in the stack led by this unit get 40% Blight Protection and are immune to Choking Fumes, Suffocate and Disgusting Stench. Undead, Elemental, Machines and Incorporeal are not affected. (this change is temporarily dropped due to technical difficulties)
- Dreadnought heroes can choose Activate Golem at level 11 for 5 points to deploy and enter a Golem once per battle: until the end of battle, the hero gains Machine, Wall Crushing, Demolisher, Tireless, Reinforced, 40% shock weakness. He loses the bonus from his current mount, the Mounted ability (and associated bonus) and his MP are reduced to 28. He keeps his race’s, items’, etc.’s other abilities and spells. Activate Golem causes the heroes to enter Guard Mode and finishes their turn.
Activate Golem cannot be used while on Water or Lava. (this change will be modified due to technical difficulties)
- Martyrs evolve on Champion I (was Elite). (evolution on Champion I not implemented due to technical difficulties)
- Researching Death March allows to cast Death March for 60 CP and Individual Death March for 20 CP, which has a similar effect. Individual Death March can only target 1 stack of 1 T1 Irregular (and units can only be targetted once by Death March or Individual Death March). (this is subject to change due to technical difficulties)

Publié le Sun, 23 Jul 2017 23:25:46 +0200

To all
Hi friends.
In this session one of us is unavailable to play for a long time as I know. If anybody wants to play team session where is present real team spirit and where your teammate and you can support each other not only by resources, then you must be a participant in this session.  <smiletext1>  
Everyone (not only veterans) can join. 

P.S. Hiliadan, if you're reading this then I have to ask you - don't change the status of this session to Open again.    Otherwise DarkRider will join us again and the circle will close on its own. <smiletext17>  I understand he wishes to play such big games. But other players don't have to wait him for a lo-o-ong time. Especially when he behaves like a ghost  - doing something not good and then disappears  <smiletext1> 

Publié le Fri, 21 Jul 2017 19:31:00 +0200

To all
Hi everyone. One of us is unavailable now in this session. This session didn't start yet. So if you interest in such kind of game then you are welcome to join

Publié le Tue, 18 Jul 2017 19:22:01 +0200

To all
The description of my new game session you can find HERE

Publié le Tue, 18 Jul 2017 09:49:10 +0200

To all
Hi everyone. I've just created a new team game session. Anybody can join <smiletext23>

Publié le Fri, 14 Jul 2017 08:50:32 +0200

A new article was published yesterday on the Battlefield: The AoW3 community more active than ever! Tournaments, AoW3 Veterans, polls
It presents and discusses the results of the last 4 polls run on the BF, praise our 31 Veteran players and 3 Masters of AoW3 and gives a quick overview of the latest activity on the BF.

You may also be interested to read the brief analysis I did of the results of the 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament up to last week: 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament – stats and results. Discussions of my analysis more than welcome on that topic on the official forum! <smiletext0>

SeeR is organizing duels, 2vs2 and 4 players FFA. Join his pool and post a comment to say what you're interested in here: Tavern Games Pbem Lounge

It looks like some players are also interested in duel (especially to train for the Duel Tournament) so don't hesitate to create some games on the BF if you are also looking for duels! <smiletext0>

Publié le Tue, 11 Jul 2017 10:45:39 +0200

To all
Hi. I've organized 1vs1 duel game. Anybody can join.

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