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Übersicht 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool | PBEM | (Plätze sind noch frei)

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Spielorganisator: Skuns453Lirik902 | Beigetreten bis jetzt: 25 | unbegrenzt

Hi to all fans of AoW3. We started this discussion to see how many players are interested in this format of tournaments. You are a veteran or a beginner on AoW3? It doesn't matter, you are welcome to join this discussion pool.  After joining this discussion pool, please define your skill level - are you a veteran or a beginner, - to simplify future unite in teams. If you are not registered yet on this site or don't want to register in the near future, you still have a chance to participate in this tourney. Please contact this players via Steam: skuns687lirik539; via GOG: Skuns249Lirik176, - to say about your interest in participating on this tournament. It will be a small tournament with only 4 teams, where each team consists of 3 players: 1 Veteran + 2 Beginners. And there will be 2 phases: group phase - 2 matches between random opponent teams, final phase - semifinal for 3-rd place and final for 1-st and 2-nd places. Full list of rules for this tournament you can find HERE. The first tournament in such setting is organized: Tournament page. Both lists composition (main & odd) and team members you can see here.

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 13 Feb 2018 16:49:15 +0100
System Benachrichtung

Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion
DreadReapr quitted!

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 13 Feb 2018 16:48:55 +0100

skuns are u kidding me, i signed up first then i read this crap about odd calculations so now im on a backup list. no offense but this is none sense. im out even from the odd list

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:37:13 +0100

To Ezekiel
Not only your team is so slow with uniting stage. there are some sleep players in other teams too. <smiletext0>  So don't worry about deadlines - we  still open to discuss the date of the tourney's start. When I say "we"  I mean "all participants" <smiletext0> - so if anyone have troubles or delays from the real life, just let us know about it (feel free, do not hesitate with anything).

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:27:22 +0100

To Ezekiel
You absolutely right. <smiletext0>  I will fill in the blanks at Tuesday/Wednesday. And we have no yet deadlines, so feel free to use any possible ways to contact missing/asleep players (PM, email, Steam/GOG). But if they don't return, let's say, till Friday - they will be replaced, no offense, it's a competition. 
Who is missing from your team? Longinus or Dia? If it's Dia, so we need just ask Zytozid to contact him - as I understood they are friends.   But if he will refuse to return - we can't wait him for an eternity. Though he may be just some busy, he can say it himself here or through Zytozid - we only need certainty and clarity of this situation. 

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:55:34 +0100

Perhaps I might just be missing something but the judges are not listed anywhere?

I think also the issues about race/class selection should be listed there - in the rules (and not only on the blog).

Do we operate with deadlines for the tournament start? My team is awaiting reply from one player in our joint discussion about the leader selection so it´s hard to send anything to the judges as of now.

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:53:47 +0100

To Dread
As you can see Seer took your place  <smiletext0>  But I have to respect all participants despite the time when they joined to us before the beginning of the tourney.  And don't forget, that, of course, the lottery would have another results if there wasn't Seer <smiletext0>  So you would be or still wouldn't be in the main list 

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:43:58 +0100

To Fluksen
No worries <smiletext0> But, please, be more precisely and accurate in the future 

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:27:48 +0100

To skuns
Sorry Skuns didn't mean to pervert/falsify your words and edited my post accordingly. I was just wondering if something was expected of us that i missed. And had to scroll to page 2 to find your text to Longinus. But it seems all we have to do is contact our probable team members. That has been done already. So all is fine.
Thanks for organising.

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:26:45 +0100

To Dread
Sorry Dread. You can't play - bad luck is our burden  , but you still the 1-st in the odd list. So if one of the veterans will need to go out with real life circumstances, you can replace him. But, of course, it is very unlikely. <smiletext6>  But you still can be a participant. I have an idea to start second tourney with such rules, but there will be 2 veterans and 1 beginners - because of we still haven't enough number of beginners. <smiletext6>  Or maybe there will be no "beginners" or "veterans" at all. <smiletext0>  The time will put everything in its place))

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 19:16:55 +0100

To Fluksen
Hi. Can I ask you (and all others) not to pervert/falsify my words in the future? I think it's rude to do such thing not only for me (as an organizer), but also to all other participants (including beginners). And let's admit honestly - most of the beginners (if not all of you) can hardly be called noobs. <smiletext1>  So I invoke you to respect each of participants in our tourney club despite on our players skills. 

If you need instructions what to do next - I gave its step by step when answered to Longinus below. If you still have any questions - ask them instead to be rude. 

You asked: "what do you mean with ..." I only wanted to say that I expected a more lively discussion of the tournament these days while I was out. But there was only silence. So if there are no objections with teams membering which I created then you should start to discuss team strategy with teammates and so on. 

Of course, one the main rules (№ 6) is still empty on the rules page - I admit, it's my fault. I was just trying to speed up the start of the tourney. And I already gave my explanations with this rule below. I agree, maybe it was difficult to understand them and there were too harsh conditions in relation to the beginners. So in a try to simplify it, I allow to choose any race for both matches, but still not the same as your veteran-teammate has. Each beginner in the team has to choose his class for the match. All classes in the team must be different. For the second match all team members must change their classes, but beginners can choose any class including the class which was used by the other beginner (not a veteran) in the first match. So beginners may exchange their classes - but it will be very predictable for the opponent team and they may choose some kind of anticlasses. Though you may risk if you want <smiletext0> 
If it still is not clear - a changing of your class/race for the second match has the purpose not so much to complicate the playing, how to make your next choice unpredictable for your next opponents.

P.S. I hope I asked on all your questions. If you have more - just ask.

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 18:51:49 +0100

what is this? i see im not in the main team list, am i playing or not?

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 17:15:02 +0100

@skuns what do you mean with "looks like no one of the noobs beginners wants is interested to start [...]"? (edit sorry skuns didn't mean to be rude or misquote you!)
I'm sorry I might have missed it but what should we do now?

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 15:47:07 +0100

To all
I want to remind you, that Ezekiel is one of the judges. So if you are his opponent in the match, do not send to him your own and your teammates combos (class/race).

P.S. I'll add the needing information of all changes on the rules page till this Wednesday

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 15:36:21 +0100

To Marcus
Yes, you are very lucky guy. <smiletext0> I'll be glad to see you on the judicial bench

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 15:30:55 +0100

To all
It looks like no one from the beginners is interested to start.  <smiletext6> Except Zytozid))

@Veterans of the main list   Do you need help to contact with any of your beginner-teammates? Maybe try to contact them by email from this site?

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 12 Feb 2018 12:25:36 +0100

Looking forward to playing with stormrage, we will be stormraging our enemies relentlessly!

Veröffentlicht am Sat, 10 Feb 2018 22:47:46 +0100

To roll 37 in 3 dice rolls rom 1-100 seems like my kind of luck.
I can volunteer to be a judge if need be instead. 

Veröffentlicht am Sat, 10 Feb 2018 22:26:12 +0100
System Benachrichtung

Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion
IIaanor quitted!

Veröffentlicht am Sat, 10 Feb 2018 22:16:38 +0100

Hi. To force our tourney I finally held the lottery by such way - I took 3 random sites with RNG (random number generator) and then I added all numbers for each participant. So below you can see the results for both lists. Also I had to change IIaanor's statistics list because of the changes since it was announced. 

Veterans (8): 
1.DreadReapr = 72 + 78 + 14 = 164 (1-st place of the odd list)
2.Jean_de_Metz = 81 + 81 + 90 = 252 (1-st place of the main list)
3.AIXStormrage = 90 + 79 + 33 = 202 (3-rd place of the main list)

4.Skuns453Lirik902 = 50 + 44 + 36 = 130 (2-nd place of the odd list)
5.gladis = 18 + 6 + 27 = 51 (3-rd place of the odd list)
6.marcuspers = 22 + 5 + 10 = 37 (4-th place of the odd list)
7.Ezekiel = 98 + 55 + 80 = 233 (2-nd place of the main list)
8.Seer = 43 + 84 + 41 = 168  (4-th place of the main list)

Here are the veteran lottery's links, but I don't know how much time they will be live: 1-st site, 2-nd site (see in browser's address bar), 3-rd site. My congratulations for the lucky veterans, especially for Seer  - he managed to climb up the stairs of the last carriage.   Though I thought that it will be Dread or Marcus the 4-th player. :whiteman

Beginners (10): 
1.Santil = 16 + 23 + 59 = 98 (1-st place of the odd list)
2.Fluksen = 2 + 52 + 68 = 122 (8-th place of the main list)
3.Nub nub = 94 + 41 + 26 = 161 (4-th place of the main list)
4.IIaanor = 19  + 32 + 17 = 68 (2-nd place of the odd list)
5.Zytozid = 60 + 61 + 88 = 209 (2-nd place of the main list)
6.DiaEmperador = 33 + 69 + 57 = 159 (5-th place of the main list)
7.Akinos = 29 + 79 + 99 = 207 (3-rd place of the main list)
8.Longinus = 38 + 72 + 23 = 133 (6-th place of the main list)
9.Badok = 74 + 10 + 40 = 124 (7-th place of the main list)
10.El-Lobo = 71 + 97 + 89 = 257 (1-st place of the main list)

Here are the beginner lottery's links, but I don't know how much time they will be live: 1-st site, 2-nd site (see in browser's address bar), 3-rd site. My congratulations for the luckys. <smiletext23>  Santil, IIaanor - it's very sad to bring you such news <smiletext6> , I'm sorry - it's all the randomness. Though you still have a chance to play in the main list if someone else doubts or is not confident in his abilities (and wants wait for now), so maybe he will decide to be in the odd list for a while instead of you. 

So there are approximate teams list:

Team1: Jean_de_Metz, Akinos, Nub nub (I had to replace 1-st and 2-nd beginners by Zytozid's request <smiletext0> )

Team2: Ezekiel, DiaEmperador, Longinus 

Team3: AIXStormrage, Zytozid, Fluksen 

Team4: Seer, El-Lobo, Badok 

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 08 Feb 2018 13:53:22 +0100

To all
It looks like I need to clarify one point for all of you - at the group phase each pair of the opposing teams will play only 1 match, so in summary it will be 2 played games for this phase.  That's what I mean all this time, sorry for possible misunderstandings. So the roster, which you can see at the tourney page, is fine for such kind of tourney. 
So each of you still have a time to leave (or join  <smiletext1> ) this tournament discussion club before I'll make the lottery for participants. 

P.S. The life is strange thing, and it doesn't forget or forgive any big mistakes 

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